These were world wide live-streaming shows we did at the end of summer 2020 in the pandemic times to everyone for free to bring happiness to our audiences in difficult times. We are still very proud of this effort and brings lovely memories. Karina Corradini Presents: From Angeles National Forest, California: "Mountain View Jazz Series"
Hello music lovers and friends! We are very happy with the Mountain View Jazz Series that we are presenting from our beautiful patio! Thank you to all who had attended our past 3 shows in September. It was a lot of fun and we felt the love! Now we will continue once a month during October and November. And we will play by ear during winter time since the weather is difficult here in the mountains. However, our next show will be "Postards of Rio" Saturday October 17 at 5:30 PM PST. Please, do not miss it! We will be doing a new and special repertoire of Brazilian jazz songs that are not so commonly play but incredibly beautiful material that you will want to hear!
Past Shows:
Music is the language of the souls, and souls do not know distance. Music heals, and entertains, and the world is very much in need of that right now. We hope we can get closer to you this way, and bring you joy.
We are excited to present our third live streaming show "Jazz & Boleros" of the Mountain View Jazz Series open and free to the public during these difficult times when we cannot be together as usual. We are really enjoying playing together again after so many months of confinement, and sharing that joy with you. And, we are even more thrilled to be able to offer this 3rd show to ALL with no ticket fee. We have built a special patio/stage area with a lovely mountain view backdrop to present a jazz concert series every Saturday during 9 weeks. Our new outdoor patio stage is overlooking the mountains in my home in Green Valley, California, located just north of Los Angeles, high in the Angeles National Forest.
We are looking forward to present a different show with different musical collaborations every week, hoping that with your help we can continue until November 1st !
During the pandemic, job opportunities for musicians have been severely limited, and we thought this would be one way to help while offering some live entertainment during these difficult times. For those who can afford it, we appreciate any donations in any amount, click on Pay Pal or Venmo which will go directly to the musicians. In this way, we can continue this format of free shows to everyone’s benefit.
September 19
at 5:30 pm PDT
8:30 pm EDT
21:30 Hs Southamerica
on Facebook Live
Karina Corradini - Vocals
Mahesh Balasooriya - Piano
Rickey Woodard - Sax
Will Lyle - Upright Bass
Clayton Cameron- Drums
How to watch it?
Just go to Karina's Facebook wall on that date and time to see the public broadcasting: Click on Karina´s Facebook
Please visit and subscribe to ! Click on Karina's YouTube Channel
We count on your donations to continue this show on a weekly basis.
Virtual Tip Jar to:
Click on Paypal :Pay Pal
[email protected]
or click on Venmo
Please see show info in video below!
Estamos muy contentos de presentar nuestro 3er show de "Jazz & Boleros" !!! Con grandes esfuerzos lo vamos logrando. Hemos mejorado el sondio del streaming con nuevo equipamento y estamos aprendiendo este nuevo formato todos juntos, ustedes y nosotros! También nos encontramos muy orgullosos de nuestro hermoso patio/escenario con vista a la montaña que hemos construido especialmente para esta serie de conciertos de jazz cada Sábado por la noche durante 9 semanas hasta el 1ro de Noviembre. Nuestro nuevo patio está ubicado en mi casa en Green Valley, California, al norte de Los Angeles, internado en lo alto del bosque nacional de Los Angeles.
Durante la pandemia las oportunidades laborales de los músicos han sido severamente limitadas, y pensamos que está sería una buena manera de ayudar mientras ofrecemos un entretenimiento en vivo en estos tiempos difíciles. Para los que puedan, apreciamos cualquier donación, Cliquea en Pay Pal o Venmo cualquier monto es apreciado y ayuda. Las donaciones irán directamente para los músicos. De esta manera, podemos continuar con este formato de shows gratuitos para el beneficio de todos.
¿Como verlo?
Simplemente yendo a mi muro en Facebook ese día en ese horario y empezará la transmición.
Abajo encuentran los enlaces de mi muro de Facebook para hacer click directamente:
Cliquea aquí:Facebook de Karina
Sábado 19 de Septiembre
5:30 pm Los Angeles
8:30 pm NYC.
21: 30 Hs Argentina/Brasil
en Facebook Live!
Karina Corradini - Voz
Mahesh Balasooriya - Piano
Rickey Woodard - Sax
Will Lyle - Upright Bass
Clayton Cameron- Drums
Directamente trasmitido desde mi perfil de Facebook , allí podés entrar para asistir al concierto ese día!
Aceptamos propinas Virtuales:
Via Paypal : Cliquea en Pay Pal
O Cliquea en Venmo
Music is the language of the souls, and souls do not know distance. Music heals, and entertains, and the world is very much in need of that right now. We hope we can get closer to you this way, and bring you joy.
We are excited to present this live streaming jazz series to the public during these difficult times when we cannot be together as usual. We are really happy to be playing together again after so many months of confinement! And, we are even more thrilled to be able to offer this 2nd show to ALL with no ticket fee. We have built a special patio/stage area with a lovely mountain view backdrop to present a jazz concert series every Saturday during the next two months. Our new outdoor patio stage is overlooking the mountains in my home in Green Valley, California, located just north of Los Angeles, high in the Angeles National Forest.
We are looking forward to present a different show with different musical collaborations every week, hoping that with your help we can continue until November 1st !
During the pandemic, job opportunities for musicians have been severely limited, and we thought this would be one way to help while offering some live entertainment during these difficult times. For those who can afford it, we appreciate any donations in any amount, which will go directly to the musicians. In this way, we can continue this format of free shows to everyone’s benefit.
September 12
at 6:30 pm PDT
9:30 pm EDT
22:30 Hs Southamerica
on Facebook Live
Karina Corradini - Vocals
Mark Massey - Piano
Marco Tulio - Guitar
Jonathan Pintoff - Bass
Clarice Cast - Percussion
How to watch it?
Just go to Karina's Facebook wall on that date and time to see the public broadcasting: Karina´s Facebook
Please visit and subscribe to ! Karina's YouTube Channel
We count on your donations to continue this show on a weekly basis.
Virtual Tip Jar to:
Paypal :
[email protected]
Please see show info in video below!
Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestro hermoso patio/escenario con vista a la montaña que hemos construido especialmente para esta serie de conciertos de jazz cada Sábado por la noche durante dos meses hasta el 1ro de Noviembre. Nuestro nuevo patio está ubicado en mi casa en Green Valley, California, al norte de Los Angeles, internado en lo alto del bosque nacional de Los Angeles.
Durante la pandemia las oportunidades laborales de los músicos han sido severamente limitadas, y pensamos que está sería una buena manera de ayudar mientras ofrecemos un entretenimiento en vivo en estos tiempos difíciles. Para los que puedan, apreciamos cualquier donación, cualquier monto es apreciado y ayuda. Las donaciones irán directamente para los músicos. De esta manera, podemos continuar con este formato de shows gratuitos para el beneficio de todos.
¿Como verlo?
Por favor asegurense de ponerse en línea para ver el show, yendo a mi página de música de Facebook ese día en ese horario o a mi canal de YouTube y empezará la transmición.
Abajo encuentran los enlaces de mi muro de Facebook para hacer click directamente:
Facebook de Karina: Cliquea aquí
Sábado 12 de Septiembre
6:30 pm Los Angeles
9:30 pm NYC.
22: 30 Hs Argentina/Brasil
en Facebook Live!
Karina Corradini - Voz
Mark Massey - Piano
Marco Tulio - Guitarra
Jonathan Pintoff - Bajo
Clarice Cast- Percusión
Directamente trasmitido desde mi perfil de Facebook , allí podés entrar para asistir al concierto ese día! No te olvides agregarme!
Aceptamos propinas Virtuales:
Via Paypal :
Music is the language of the souls, and souls do not know distance. We hope we can get closer to you this way, and bring you joy. Music heals, and entertains, and the world is very much in need of that right now.
We are excited to present this live streaming jazz series to the public during these difficult times when we cannot be together as usual. We are really happy to be playing together again after so many months of confinement! And, we are even more thrilled to be able to offer this 1st show to ALL with no ticket fee. We are building a special patio/stage area with a lovely mountain view backdrop to present a jazz concert series every Saturday during the next two months. Our new outdoor patio stage is overlooking the mountains in my home in Green Valley, California, located just north of Los Angeles, high in the Angeles National Forest.
We are looking forward to present a different show with different musical collaborations every week, hoping that with your help we can continue until November 1st !
During the pandemic, job opportunities for musicians have been severely limited, and we thought this would be one way to help while offering some live entertainment during these difficult times. For those who can afford it, we appreciate any donations in any amount, which will go directly to the musicians. In this way, we can continue this format of free shows to everyone’s benefit.
Opening Night Saturday
September the 5th at 6:30 pm
on Facebook Live
and YouTube Live!
Karina Corradini - Vocals
Mark Massey - Piano
Rickey Woodard - Sax
Will Lyle - Upright Bass
Clayton Cameron- Drums
How to watch it?
Easy: Just go to Karina's Music page on Facebook : Karina´s Facebook Page
or to her YouTube channel and the streaming will appear live on that date and time! Karina's YouTube Channel
We count on your donations to continue this show on a weekly basis.
Virtual Tip Jar to:
Paypal :
[email protected]
Please see show info in video below!
Estamos muy entusiasmados de presentar esta serie de conciertos de jazz durante estos momentos difíciles que no podemos estar juntos. La música es el lenguaje de las almas y las almas no conocen distancias. Esperamos poder acercarnos de esta manera y traerles alegría y un buen momento. La música cura y entretiene y el mundo necesita mucho de eso ahora.
Estamos contentos de ofrecerles un repertorio diferente cada semana y con diferentes colaboraciones musicales. Esperando que con la ayuda de ustedes podamos continuar hasta el 1ro de Noviembre cada Sábado.
Contamos con tu donación semanal para poder continuar este show abiertamente al público en general en forma semanal.
Propina virtual:
Paypal :
[email protected]
¿Como Verlo?
Muy fácil: Esa fecha en ese horario la transmición se verá desde el muro de Karina en su página de música de Facebook : Cliqueá aca: Karina´s Facebook
Y en su canal de You Tube. Cliquea acá: Karina's YouTube Channel
Video en Español con la información aquí debajo.